2020-07-18 13:48:51

Shafaq News / the "Arab Project" bloc led by Khamis Al-Khanjar issued, on Saturday, a position on the Iraqi government's decisions to ease preventive measures by opening malls and airports and lifting the partial curfew.
A leader of the bloc, Representative Hoda Jarallah, told Shafaq News agency that "the decisions of the Iraqi government are very dangerous and may lead to major disasters regarding the epidemiological situation, and the number of infections may raise to very large numbers, especially with the lack of commitment of many citizens to the procedures Preventive”.
Jarallah continued, "The government took this decision, knowing that the continuation of the situation will trigger a revolution against it in the near future, especially since it has not provided anything to the poor family".
Earlier, Higher Committee for Health and National Safety announced the reopening of shopping centers, while committing the preventive measures, and decided to lift the curfew completely after Eid Al-Adha holiday, and decided to reopen the airports starting from the twenty-third of this month.