2020-06-17 14:22:18

Shafaq News / On Wednesday, the "Change" parliamentary Bloc saw that the adoption of multiple constituencies is "futile" and would stall parliamentary elections.

The head of the bloc, Youssef Mohamed Sadiq, told Shafaq News agency that, "the adoption of small electoral districts in the upcoming elections is difficult and useless because the general census of the population has not been conducted for many years. Besides, the disputes of some governorates over administrative units, will makes it difficult to determine the precise electoral districts".

He added that, "the adoption of small electoral districts will delay holding early elections," adding that, "the best solution is to adopt each governorate as one electoral district".

Sadiq pointed out to the reservation of his bloc and its fears from, "the repetition of the problems of the previous election, including the issues accompanied the electronic voting and vote counting processes that were marred by rigging".

The Iraqi parliament passed a part of the new election law late last year under the pressure of the popular protests.

However, disagreements hampered the completion of the legislation of the law. The division revolves over the adoption of multiple constituencies or a single constituency in each governorate, as well as the method of voting (direct voting or via lists).

Article 15 of the new election law states that, "electoral districts are divided on the basis of one electoral district for each district in the governorate".

As stated in Article (49 / First) of the Iraqi constitution, "the council of Representatives consists of a count of members proportional to one seat for every one hundred thousand Iraqi citizen, representing the entire Iraqi nation".