2020-03-18 09:56:40

Shafaq News / Sadr movement leader , Muqtada al-Sadr has commented on Wednesday, on assigning the head of the parliamentary "victory" bloc and former governor of Najaf , Adnan al-Zorfi to form the new government.

Al-Sadr tweeted , "Whether the candidate was according to the controls or not, this is a matter for us Iraqis only, and whether the selection mechanism is correct or not, then this is a purely Iraqi matter, so there is no need for our friends from neighboring countries or others to interfere  ,especially the occupier. "

He added, "You may know that the Shiite politicians' struggle, which is no longer tolerable, has no choice mechanism," noting that "their choices for incompetent people or their differences and their disagreement with a candidate is what necessitated the selection of someone who is not close to us and you."

"Generally speaking, I am not going to give an opinion about this candidate or others, but rather, what matters most to me is the sovereignty of Iraq," he said.

The President of the Republic, Barham Salih has commissioned the head of the parliamentary "victory" bloc and the former governor of Najaf, Adnan al-Zorfi, to form the new government within 30 days. However, this mandate was met by a categorical rejection by the coalitions of Hadi al-Amiri, Nuri al-Maliki, Faleh al-Fayyad, and the Fadilah Party, while Wisdom movement reserved form commenting .

Adnan al-Zorfi, charged with forming the Iraqi government, had called for preparation for free and fair elections, in a speech on Tuesday evening.

Al-Zorfi said in his speech that he would work to prepare for elections "in cooperation with the representation of the United Nations in Iraq, within a maximum period of one year from the formation of the next government."

The new Prime Minister pledged to make "a greater effort to combat the threat of the spread of Corona virus, support the Crisis Cell and follow the established scientific contexts in developed countries."