2020-04-20 13:51:38

Shafaq News / The Supreme Committee for National Health and Safety revealed on Monday, the reasons for issuing a decision to lift the partial curfew, despite warnings by the World Health Organization.

"The Higher Committee for Health and Safety issued several decisions regarding the partial reduction of the curfew to let people go out to meet their essential needs and shop for goods during Ramadan," the committee member and undersecretary of the Ministry of Health ,Jassem Al-Falahi told Shafaq News.

He added that "the partial curfew, according to the decision, will be from 7 p.m. until 6a.m., and appropriate measures will be taken as violators will be punished according to the law."

Al-Falahi called on citizens to "abide by the directives issued by the Supreme Committee and the Ministry of Health and not to use the lifting of the curfew for personal purposes and to focus only on the necessary needs to avoid being infected with Corona virus."

Yesterday, the Supreme Committee for National Health and Safety in Iraq decided to lift the curfew in Ramadan from 6 a.m. until 7p.m and to impose a fine of 50 000 dinars against those who don’t wear medical masks.

The Iraqi Ministry of Health warned yesterday, of a rapid increase in the number of infections with Corona virus, as a result of breaking the curfew, which led to crowded public roads with cars and bicycles and opening many shops and markets.

The Ministry noted the warnings issued by the World Health Organization repeatedly noted to the danger of reducing the health measures taken to control the epidemic before ensuring full control of its spread.