2019-12-24 09:30:45

Shafaq News / The Supreme Judicial Council of Iraq announced that the winning judges in the Electoral Commission are not affiliated with any political party.

In a statement, the council expressed "its regret for some lies publishes regarding the judges who won the election commission election draw by claiming their nomination by the parties."

He added, "what confirms that this published information is false and incorrect is the claim that the Kurdish judges who were nominated by the Kurdish parties, while Kurdistan Regional Council did not nominate any judge from the region until now, and the draw for the judges in the region did not take place until now due to the non-nomination of any Kurdish judge, this is what was mentioned in the speech of the Supreme Judicial Council on December 23, 2019 on the occasion of drawing.

He added, "As for the rest of the judges, the Supreme Judicial Council affirms that none of them are affiliated with any party or political organization, especially as Article (98 second paragraph) of the constitution prohibits the judge from belonging to any party or political organization or engaging in any political activity and if the Judges who won membership in the Board of Commissioners or others had a political affiliation for what one of them remained in the judiciary mainly because he is excluded from serving as a judge or a public prosecutor because of violating the constitution, as the Supreme Judicial Council affirms that none of them was nominated by any political party, but the nomination was by the appellate courts in which they work. "

The Council affirmed that "the judges who won the draw have never participated in running for the previous elections, and the records of the Electoral Commission prove that and whoever has a document otherwise can submit it to the judiciary and the media."