2020-03-17 10:16:44

Shafaq News / The President of the Iraqi Republic ,Barham Saleh assigned Adnan Al-Zorfi to form the government in Iraq, where he has a month to form the cabinet.

Al-Zorfi is a leader in the victory coalition headed by Haider al-Abadi, and he is also a former governor of Najaf.

Al-Zorfi's assignment came within a constitutional deadline of 15 days, which was set after Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi stepped down from the task of forming the government early this month, after he failed to persuade the Sunnis and Kurds to support his government formation and his government program.

Unprecedented popular protests forced the government of Adel Abdul Mahdi to submit its resignation in early December 2019, and since that time, the formation of a new government has not been decided due to deep differences among the political blocs as well as the popular movement's rejection of most of the names presented.

Al-Zorfi was scheduled to be assigned yesterday evening, but the opposition of Shiite forces postponed the matter.