2020-03-19 10:56:26

Shafaq News / The Iraqi Health Minister Jaafar Sadiq Allawi called on the security authorities on Thursday, to tighten the curfew measures.

Allawi said in a statement today, that "we have detected major violations of the curfew decision through the movement of taxis and some shops didn’t close ," warning that "these violations affect the health of citizens and the transmission of the virus."

He called on the security authorities to "tighten the procedures for imposing the curfew and deal firmly with those who are trying to break it."

The Crisis Cell in Iraq suggested on Thursday to extend the curfew decision in the capital, Baghdad, and the rest of the Iraqi provinces in the context of curbing the spread of Corona virus.

The government crisis cell for fighting Corona Virus decided on Sunday (15 – 3- 2020) to impose a comprehensive curfew in Baghdad for a week to reduce the spread of new Corona virus.

It is noteworthy that the number of confirmed infections in Iraq with Corona virus has risen to 169 (in addition to Kurdistan Region), recovery47cases, and 12 deaths.