2020-04-23 11:38:14

Shafaq News / A source in the State of Law coalition led by Nuri al-Maliki revealed on Wednesday, that he entered the competition line with Al-Ameri's Al-Fateh Alliance to get the Ministry of Interior.

The source told Shafaq News, that there is a competition between the leaders of the State of law and Al-Fateh Alliance for the position of the Minister of Interior, each of whom has a number of candidates from the Ministry to take over the position.

He added that "State of law is first to obtain the position after giving up the Ministry of Higher Education for the Sunni component and not being demanding the Ministry of Education or another ministry."

The Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kadhimi in which he presented the names of candidates for 14 ministerial portfolios during his meeting with Shiite forces.

According to Shafaq News sources, Al-Kadhimi list consisted of:

Candidate of the Ministry of Planning / Khaled Battal

Foreign Ministry candidate / Harith Hassan

Candidate of the Ministry of Higher Education / Ibrahim Bahr Al-Ulum

Candidate of the Ministry of Finance / Fouad Hussein

Candidate of the Ministry of Justice / Khaled Shawani

Candidate of the Ministry of Municipalities / Rizan Muhammad

Candidate of the Ministry of Agriculture / Mohamed Shiaa

Candidate of the Ministry of Oil / Hisham Saleh Dawood

Candidate of the Ministry of Water Resources / Jassem Muhammad Al-Asadi

Candidate of the Ministry of Electricity / Adnan Al-Zurfi

Candidate of the Ministry of Labor / Kadhem Al-Sahlani

Candidate of the Ministry of Culture / Hashem Al-Shadidi

Candidate of the Ministry of Interior / Muzahim Al-Tamimi

Candidate of the Ministry of Education / Muzahim Al-Khayyat and Falah Mahmoud Ahmed to choose one of them

Another source told Shafaq News said that Al-Kadhimi presented the names of his candidates to Shiite leaders, but they objected on some , without specifying names.

The source added that "Shiite leaders asked Al-Kadhimi to change some of the names of the candidates because of their inefficiency to take the ministerial position."

He referred to "the opposition of the gathered forces to re-nominate a number of ministers in the government of Adel Abdul Mahdi, who resigned, and also made observations on some of the candidates submitted by the Sunni forces."