2019-12-28 07:54:18

Shafaq News / The President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani expressed his concern on Saturday, about the current situation in Iraq, pointing out that the President of the Republic ,Barham Salih is under great pressure.

"We are following with great concern and closely the conditions and developments of Iraq, which is suffering a deep crisis. While the threat of instability and further complexity of the situation warns the country to move towards an unknown future, it is imperative for everyone to deal with the situation with understanding, in a national spirit, responsibly and away from Political pressure to pass the stage in accordance with constitutional contexts. "

"On the issue of assigning a candidate to head the next Iraqi government, it appears that the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, is under great pressure, in contrast to the constitutional mechanisms and foundations, and here we stress that any solution must be based on the constitution and in accordance with legal contexts."

Barzani added that "in order to choose a national and non-controversial candidate for prime minister that is acceptable to influential forces, we must take into account the legitimate demands of the demonstrators and the conditions and interests of the country when choosing him, and provide assistance to the next government for the purpose of passing the next transitional phase and preparing for new elections."