2020-03-05 10:00:07

Shafaq News / The head of the Reconstruction Fund for Areas Affected by Terrorist Operations, Mustafa Al-Hiti opened the second Nineveh reconstruction exhibition on Thursday.

Al-Haiti reviewed during his speech the opening attended by the governor of Nineveh Najm al-Jubouri and a number of members of the parliament  of the province, the projects implemented in the province and the extent of their importance to citizens, which in turn contributed to the return of life to its normal and helped to reduce the number of displaced families after the rehabilitation of government departments and institutions.

Al-Haiti stressed the importance of activating the role of the private sector in the governorate , providing the environment and investment opportunities to eliminate unemployment and advance the urban reality, "noting" to the importance of holding exhibitions in Nineveh governorate to demonstrate the return of life to normal and get rid of the crises that it had suffered from it.

It should be noted that Nineveh suffered from ISIS control from June 2014 until its liberation in 2017 from sabotage and destruction carried out by the elements of ISIS organization, in addition to the subsequent collapse of the infrastructure as a result of the military operations.