2020-03-12 08:11:02

Shafaq News / The Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert condemned on Thursday the attack that targeted a camp in which international coalition forces are stationed north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

"The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq condemns the attack on   Taji camp, calling for maximum restraint," Plasschaert said in a press statement today.

The international coalition against ISIS, led by the United States of America, announced that at least three members of its forces were killed, while 12 others were wounded by the missile strikes that targeted Taji camp north of Baghdad.

On Wednesday, the Security Information Cell in Iraq announced the fall of ten Katyusha rockets inside Taji camp, north of Baghdad, which includes American forces. This is the 22nd  attack since the end of October against American interests in Iraq. The coalition did not specify the nationalities of the wounded.

The U.S. Central Command announced that 18 Katyusha rockets targeted the military base housing the international coalition forces.