2020-04-28 13:19:58

Shafaq News / Kurdistan Islamic Group bloc in the Iraqi parliament revealed on Tuesday, that the dispute over three ministries between the Prime Minister-designate and political forces has caused delay in granting confidence to the next federal government.

 “Until now, the Prime Minister-designate Mustafa al-Kadhimi insists that the candidates for the three sovereign ministries (the Interior, Defense, and Finance) are not political figures, or supported by political parties ,” The leader in the bloc, MP Ahmad Hama Rasheed told Shafaq News.

"Al-Kadhimi is the one to choose technocrats from the Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish component, not political blocs. This is the real reason that is delaying the announcement of the formation of the new government, and the rest of the ministries are almost settled and agreed upon."

The Shiite forces met with the official in charge of forming the government, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and expressed on Friday their refusal to nominate ministers in his government, including the Kurds and Sunnis.

Al-Kadhimi has the support of most of the major political forces in the three Shiite, Kurdish, and Sunni components, and has promised to give confidence to his government formation through its parliamentary blocs in the parliament.

On April 9 current year, the Iraqi President of the Republic, Barham Salih authorized Al-Kadhimi to form the government within 30 days, less than an hour after the former Prime Minister-designate, Adnan al-Zurfi, announced his apology for this task.