2019-10-23 08:45:27

Shafaq News/ The dispatch of Iraqi President ,Barham Saleh to the United States to attend the UN General Assembly has cost the state treasury (2 million USD),according to an official letter published for the first time.

According to a very confidential letter from the Presidency to the Ministry of Finance, "On the order of the President of the Republic, please kindly finance our current account opened at al- Rafidain Bank -Mansour branch number (3060) with the amount of (2 million USD) for the purpose of covering the expenses of His Excellency to the States United States of America to participate in the (66) session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, as of 19/9/2019 ".

The request was appended to the signature of the Office President of the President of the Republic, Hamid Faraj al-Obeidi.