2020-05-11 20:15:38

Shafaq News / Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi agreed with the US President Donald Trump on Monday to cooperate to combat Corona virus and develop economic investment efforts between their two countries.

This came in a telephone call received by Al-Kadhimi from the American President to congratulate him on the occasion of the Prime Minister’s office, according to a statement issued by the Iraqi government.

The statement said that Al-Kadhimi thanked the American President for the congratulations, stressing Iraq’s keenness to establish the best relations with the United States.

For his part, President Trump stressed that "Iraq is a strong and important country and has a central role in the region and in achieving regional and international stability."

He stressed "the desire of the United States of America to strengthen relations between the two countries, and his country's willingness to provide the necessary economic assistance to support the Iraqi economy."

The two sides agreed to "expand cooperation in fighting Corona pandemic, as well as to develop economic investment efforts to serve the interests of both countries," according to the statement.