2020-06-24 12:17:55

Shafaq News / The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Iraq, Jenin Hennes-Blackshart, warned, on Wednesday, of paying a "hefty price" for noncompliance to the preventive measures.

"Commitment is essential to limit the spread of Covid-19, primarily through adhering to individual measures", said Blackshart at a press conference with the Iraqi Minister of Health, Hassan Al-Tamimi, and WHO representative in Iraq, Adham Ismail.

Blackshart praised the, "diligent work, courage and sacrifices made by healthcare professionals who are risking their lives, to protect Iraqis from the pandemic".

"Despite the limited capacity of healthcare system in Iraq, the country has been able to withstand the first months after the outbreak of the virus", and added, "Since we do not have a vaccine yet, preventive measures remain our best tool: social distancing, proper hygiene and access to treatment without Fear or shame", Blackshart said.

Regarding the battle against the virus, Blackshart, "The experiences of other countries show that it is possible to contain Covid-19 and gradually reactivate the economy. However, we also saw enormous losses may result from non-compliance to the measures. We must cooperate to defeat this pandemic, which will we do".