2014-01-11 06:05:34

The UN Security Council composed of 15 members agreed on a statement supporting the Iraqi Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki amid growing concern about the crisis in Anbar province, which extends from the western outskirts of Baghdad to the border with Syria .

The Council condemned the attacks carried out by the organization of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ( Daash ) and praised the " superior courage " of Iraqi security forces in Anbar .

“The Security Council expresses its strong support for the continuing efforts of the Iraqi government that help meet the security needs of the Iraqi people as a whole,”The statement, briefed by " Shafaq News “ said.

The Council called on " Iraqi tribes and tribal leaders in the region and the security forces in Anbar to continue and strengthen its cooperation against violence and terrorism and emphasize the critical importance of continued dialogue and national unity."

Anbar province is experiencing political and security situations on the background of the Iraqi forces’ implementation from an expanded military campaign to hunt down al -Qaeda fighters in the deserts that was followed by the arrest of MP Ahmed al-Alwani in Anbar and by lifting the tents of the protesters over a year ago .