2014-01-11 10:31:48

, renewing his country's support for operations aimed to end " terrorists " presence in the province and neighboring areas .

“The leader of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, Ammar al-Hakim met with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, George Brett Makourk to discuss bilateral relations between the two countries,” According to a statement of the Supreme Islamic Council , reportedly for " Shafaq News “.

“The meeting also dealt with political and security situation in the country , especially the situation in Anbar , as well as the regional situation ,”the statement added.

Hakim’s initiative, includes the approval of a special reconstruction of Anbar worth four billion dollars implemented over four years, in addition to monitor a special budget to support the clans, which is battling al -Qaeda militants to strengthen and compensate their dead and injured sons.

It also includes the establishment of self-defense forces of Anbar tribes to secure the international border and the strategic roads in the province.