2020-07-06 08:53:18

Shafaq News / A US State Department spokesman confirmed that the Ministry is aware of the reports about missiles attack on the international zone in Baghdad.

The spokesman told Al-Hurra TV that the Iraqi security services are leading the investigation, adding that the threat of missile attacks, "is dangerous not only for us, but for the Iraqi government, neighboring diplomatic missions, and residents of the former international zone and surrounding areas".

The State Department spokesman recalled the remarks made by Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, last Wednesday, in which he commended the Iraqi government for putting all armed groups under their control.

Pompeo also said, "the presence of these outlaws remains the greatest obstacle to assistance and economic investment in the country.

The US State Department's statements came after news that Baghdad airport was bombarded by an unexploded missile on Sunday night.

However, the Security Media Cell declared, "Baghdad Operations Command did not indicate any attack signs until 0050 hours".

A Katyusha missile targeted, earlier Sunday, the Green Zone, where the US embassy is located in Baghdad, a week after the arrest and release of pro-Iranian fighters who were held accountable for similiar attacks.

It is noteworthy that, since October 2019, more than 33 missiles have targeted Iraqi facilities hosting diplomats or foreign soldiers, as well as the US embassy in Baghdad.