2020-06-27 12:39:46

Shafaq news/ The U.S Embassy in Baghdad published, on Saturday, its annual report on "terrorism and terrorist groups”.

The part referring to the security situation in Iraq in 2019, highlighted the situation of the Iraqi borders, considering the presence of the Iraqi security forces on the border formal, as ISIS still represents a serious threat: It carried out multiple assassinations and explosions targeting police officers, local political leaders and citizens.

According to the report, ISIS sought to regain the citizens' support in Nineveh, Kirkuk, Diyala, Saladin and Al-Anbar governorates, particularly in the disputed areas between Kurdistan region and Baghdad. The report added that Iranian-backed Shiite groups' attacks on U.S bases in Iraq increased, resulting in many causalities among the soldiers, not to forget mentioning the PKK, which is based in northern Iraq, and continuously attacking Turkey.

Furthermore, the report pointed that the borders with Syria in southern Kurdistan remain under the threat of ISIS and other terrorist group.