2020-07-07 10:40:00

Shafaq News / Member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, and a member of "Al-Fatah" coalition, Mahdi Taqi Amerli, considered on Tuesday that the setting-up of the "American Patriot" system in the Green Zone is a "violation of Iraq’s sovereignty”.

Amerli told Shafaq News Agency that "Washington set up the patriot system without telling the government”, noting that "the parliament will take a position regarding the violation of Iraqi sovereignty during the resumption of parliament sessions".

The "Patriot" missile defense systems foiled, Sunday, a missile attack that attempted to target the US embassy in the green zone, Baghdad.

Thus, the system had succeeded, in less than 24 hours of its installation, in repelling the first missile attack by armed groups that US accused of being loyal to Iran.

It’s noteworthy that, The United States has deployed the Patriot system in several locations in Iraq to repel repeated attacks targeting its soldiers and diplomats.