2020-07-17 17:26:55

Shafaq news/ A report of an American Research center, specializing in security and politics, said that the international coalition is required to support Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi in his efforts aiming at fulfilling Iraq's commitments toward the international security missions and preventing attacks against them by the Iran-backed parties.

The report, published by "just security" forum located in New York, added that, "Al-Kadhimi was exposed to a great political risk by trying to respect this commitment, and this is something deserves praise and support".

The report also spoke that “the Iran-backed militias are the largest and most powerful of the fractious Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi, and Many of those date at least to the period after the 2003 U.S. invasion, when Iran used the units as proxies to attack American forces and participate in Iraq’s sectarian civil war.

“AL- Hashd al-Shaabi later built political and legal legitimacy fighting the Islamic State, evolving from illegal militias that were banned under Article 9 of Iraq’s Constitution to a core organ of the Iraqi armed forces when parliament passed “Law Number 40 of the year 2016: the Law of Al- Hashd al-Shaabi Committee”  the report added.

“The militias’ hypocrisy in trying to benefit from their position as a state organ, while repeatedly violating the laws of the state and the rights of its citizens should also repeatedly highlighted. This will force the militias to either clean up their act or submit to reform, or risk prosecution on the one hand and electoral disaster in eventual elections on the other— destroying their political gains of recent years”. the report noted.

The report also mentioned the incident of the arrest of members of the "Hezbollah" brigades earlier this month, saying that, “The legal ramifications for both Iraq and for Kata’ib Hezbollah and its affiliates are significant. Iraq likely has international legal liability for missile attacks on the United States and its allied partners, because the Hashd al-Shaabi was incorporated under Iraqi domestic law as an organ of the state. Iraq must therefore own any wrongful conduct, cease any violations, and offer guarantees that they won’t be repeated. The June 25 arrests signaled that Iraq may be serious about doing so”.

The report praised Al-Kadhimi’s move that led to deliver the detainees to Al-Hashd Security Directorate, which is controlled by the Hezbollah Brigades, as a compromise, because Iraq does not need additional conflict at the moment.

"It can be said that this conflict has already begun, after the assassination of security expert Hisham al-Hashemi, which represents a threat situation to the PM", the report cited.

Going forward, the report's author believes that "Al-Kadhimi and his allies will have to prepare to deal with the violent reactions of pro-Tehran factions in the future."

Al-Hashemi, a well-known analyst who advised the government on defeating ISIS fighters and pro-Iranian Shiite armed factions, was assassinated by two gunmen on a motorcycle in front of his home in Baghdad on the sixth of this month.

Some close to Al-Kadhimi say the assassination is directly related to Al-Hashemi's recent work against pro-Iranian groups.