2019-08-06 11:12:29

Shafaq News/ US Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper said Tuesday that any Turkish military operation north of  Syria would not be acceptable.

Esper said the United States would prevent unilateral intervention from the Turkish side, but hoped to reach an agreement with Ankara.

"It is clear that we believe that any unilateral action by Ankara would be unacceptable," Esper told reporters traveling with him to Japan, "What we will do is preventing unilateral incursions that would harm mutual interests  and the United States, Turkey and the Syrian Democratic Forces work together about what is concerned with it north of Syria

The Turkish President , Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced earlier, that his country is continuing in the implementation of the operation east of the Euphrates and notified both Washington and Moscow about it, adding that the process would affect the area of ​​control of the YPG.

Last month, Turkish Foreign Minister , Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu threatened to launch a military operation east of the Euphrates in Syria if a safe area was not declared there and the dangers of this area continue to threaten Turkey.