2020-05-04 14:26:12

Shafaq News / Haditha clans’ fighters in Anbar province have killed on Monday, ISIS suicide bombers, after they were trapped inside a mosque in Al-Medham village west of Haditha district, 160 km west of Ramadi city west of Iraq.

The spokesman of the clans’ fighters said in a video recording that they had managed to kill the suicide bombers who were holed up in the mosque after being chased by the security forces.

He added that the suicide bombers are more than three, as the fighters were unable to count them but they scattered into remains and the mosque building completely collapsed.

On Monday morning, the Joint Operations Command announced launching "Desert Lions" operations to search large areas in Anbar province, in western Iraq, up to the international borders.

It is noteworthy that ISIS recently increased its attacks against security forces and the popular crowd in areas that were under its control after 2014, in a noticeable decline in the security situation in those areas.