2014-06-24 10:35:12

, Vladimir Putin, in addition to a number of international   issues.

The Kremlin said in a statement seen by "Shafaq News" that “ the Russian and American presidents expressed deep concern about the dangers of the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant organization “ISIL” activity “.

The statement added that Putin expressed support for the Iraqi government's efforts to combat Islamist militants and its quest for peace and security in the country.

It is noteworthy that Russia hold the United States , the responsibility of the current crisis and considers the progress of jihadists in Iraq as a "full" failure of U.S. military intervention in this country between 2003 and 2011.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday to the Iraqi Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki "full support" for the Iraqi government in its fight against the Sunni jihadists.

The Russian presidency said in a statement during a phone call with al-Maliki that, "Vladimir Putin expressed Russia's full support for Iraqi government's efforts aimed at liberalization of the country from terrorists quickly."

The Kremlin said that "it was stressed that the activity of extremists who are fighting battles on the territory of Syria has gained a character that exceeds the borders of countries, and has become a threat to the entire region."

Maliki is facing under internal and American criticism for marginalizing the Sunni Arabs, which led to this broad continuous attack since the tenth of this month.

U.S. President Barack Obama promised, last Thursday, to send military advisers to help the Iraqi army, but so far ruled out air strikes. It also stepped up pressure on al-Maliki to overcome sectarian divisions.

He has also sent U.S. Secretary of State , John Kerry to Iraq to assess the developments closely in an attempt to persuade Iraqi leaders to reach an understanding to form a government of national reconciliation.