2014-06-10 06:32:57

, warning those involved in the sale of Iraqi oil without Baghdad's approval from facing "serious legal risk."

The Deputy State Department spokeswoman , Marie Harff said in a statement reported for "Shafaq News", that” U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State , Brett McGurk is continuing his talks since arriving in Iraq last Saturday with officials of Kurdistan Region to discuss the political and security situation and push for the resumption of relations between Erbil and Baghdad”.

She revealed that the U.S. envoy will travel to Baghdad later on Tuesday to meet with Iraqi officials from across the political spectrum to discuss the growing threat of the recent attacks in Mosul, without referring to the parties that will meet with the U.S. delegation.

She added that the U.S. envoy would urge Baghdad on the importance of renewing discussions on line about the oil crisis, pointing out that the export or sale of Iraqi oil without the approval of the federal government expose those involved for "serious legal risk."

 Kurdistan Regional Government has confirmed that it has exported oil through the Turkish port of Ceyhan and sold it in international markets without the approval of Baghdad, which called on the Iraqi government to file a lawsuit against them , the Turkish government and the purchasing companies with the International Chamber of Commerce.