2014-06-14 07:53:35

 The Deputy State Department spokeswoman , Marie Harff said today in a press statement seen by "Shafaq News", that the United States does not have contacts with Iran on the situation in Iraq and the growing threat posed by the progress of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant organization (Daash) there.

She added that all of Iraq's neighbors "must refrain from any action that would increase sectarian tension."

She noted that the United States was in contact with the neighboring countries of Iraq, "Turkey , Gulf States and Saudi Arabia and with the embassies of these countries in Washington" to discuss the situation.

Harff renewed emphasis on the United States doesn’t consider sending troops to Iraq, saying that Washington was "considering options in the short term to help the Iraqis."

U.S. President , Barack Obama have been conditioned on Friday in a speech on the Iraqi reconciliation among the parties before any U.S. military intervention.