2014-01-09 10:17:56


“It might be allowed to transfer of Apache helicopters AH-64 to Iraq while the Iraqi government is trying to confront militant groups west of the country,” The Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez said to New York Times newspaper , in a statement briefed by “Shafaq News “.

Menendez , chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee has stopped all sell deals or lending aircraft to Iraq since months , fearing that the Iraqi government might use it in targeting civilians.

Iraqi forces are working along with thousands of people from the tribes of Anbar province, in a military confrontations against armed groups linked to al -Qaeda since about 3 weeks , in the cities and deserts of Anbar .

Last week , the U.S. Department of Defense, " the Pentagon " announced that the United States has decided to speed up the delivery of missiles and surveillance drones to Iraq for use in military operations against al-Qaeda militants.

The Pentagon spokesman Colonel Warren said , " We will accelerate the extradition of an additional 100 missiles Hellfire type in order to be ready for delivery next spring ."

He added that “Washington is working closely with the Iraqis to agree on a strategy to be capable of isolating groups linked to al-Qaeda , and enable tribes who cooperate with the Iraqi authorities to expel these groups from populated areas ."

The U.S. Defense spokesman denied " Washington’s desire in to send U.S. troops to Iraq ," pointing out that " the United States provides information to the Iraqis across about 100 U.S. military personnel still at the headquarters of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad."

Washington expressed its support for military operations in Iraq to hunt down al-Qaeda militants while urged the Iraqi government to cooperate with Sunni tribes in western Iraq.