2014-01-15 06:14:32


Armored vehicles from Russia have arrived last week to the ports of Basra under a deal signed between the two countries to equip the Iraqi army with arms.

“The United States at the present time will not send the necessary military equipment requested by the Iraqi government at the present time ,” The spokesman of the Pentagon and the commander of U.S. naval power , Bell Speakes told the Voice of America in an interview briefed by "Shafaq News”.

He explained that "the decision to wait from sending military equipment to U.S. administration 's commitment doesn’t cancel its pledge to help Iraq in its war against insurgents ."

"The aid that the U.S. administration intends to send to Iraq is to increase the military capabilities of the Iraqi army by getting distinctive possibilities   and intelligence capacities in facing al-Qaeda”.

Iraq began its military campaign against al-Qaeda " Daash " after a senior commander in the army and a group of officers and soldiers had been killed by a number of " terrorist " elements in Anbar .

But militants of those organizations have moved to the cities of the province after events have evolved because of the lifting sit-in tents and the arrest of MP Ahmed al-Alwani and killing his brother, which made security chaos and anger by some tribes, as Anbar province is still witnessing continues clashes since then.