2020-06-03 18:05:29

Shafaq News/A security source said, on Wednesday, that 10 members of the rapid response team on duty were injured in an explosion southwest of Kirkuk.
The source said to Shafaq News that, "At least 10 individuals were wounded by a bomb targeting a military convoy of the Rapid Response Forces in the Wadi al-Shay area, southwest of Kirkuk, adding that, "the device was planted on both sides of the road and exploded when the convoy of the rapid reaction forces passed by during raids and searches of areas between Salah al-Din and Kirkuk."
Holistic security operation has been launched yesterday, Tuesday, under the name "the heroes of Iraq - victory of sovereignty", to clear the areas between the provinces of Salah al-Din and Kirkuk, with the participation of various security sectors and Al-Hashd al Shaabi.
It is worth noting that the terrorist activity of "ISIS" cells increased recently by launching attacks on military and civilian targets, especially in the provinces of Salahuddin, Kirkuk and Diyala.
Back in 2017, Iraq regained full territory from "ISIS" which invaded vast sovereignty of the country, after a fierce war supported by the US-led international coalition.