2020-06-26 17:10:03

Shafaq News / Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK) Council (which adopts PKK policy), announced on Friday, that one of its members was killed, and three others were injured due to Turkish bombardment of a town in Al-Sulaymaniyah province.

In a statement, the Council accused Turkey and condemned the attack.

Furthermore, a local official source reported, on Thursday, that 7 people were killed and injured, due to an unknown airstrike that targeted a car boarded by a PKK member.

Turkey is likely to be behind the attack, as it recently intensified its aerial and artillery shelling of border areas within Kurdistan Region, since the beginning of this week. Ankara says it is targeting the PKK militants.

The bombing sparked condemnation of Kurdistan Regional Government, which demanded the PKK fighters to withdraw from the region to avoid tensions.