2017-06-11 19:46:00

While Christina has returned home safely, thousands of other Yazidi, Christian and other minority girls and women have been subjected to horrific treatment by men from Islamic State, also known as IS, ISIS, ISIL or Daesh.


Nadia Murad, a human rights activist and sex slave survivor from a Yazidi village in Iraq, has spoken before the U.N. and several other humanitarian agencies about the horrors she and many others went through.


"We didn't feel valued as humans in their hands," she told STV News in February. "They enslaved more than 6,500 females, they took them to different places. They did what they want to the women and my fate was the same. I was one of the victims and they did everything to us."


The radicals would take any girl over 9 years old, abusing them and trying to force them to change their religion, she added. "We were subjected to crimes to their hands that nobody can mention what they did to us," she said, revealing that she was raped by 12 men.


In 2015, an 18-year-old Yazidi girl burned her entire face and body while she was being kept as a sex slave by ISIS in Iraq, looking to make herself "undesirable," so the militants would stop raping her.