2020-02-22 11:20:24

Shafaq News / 7 Kurdish parties held a meeting in Erbil, capital of Kurdistan Region on Saturday, which resulted in the formation of a committee to approach the other parties and the three presidencies in the region in order to open the door of dialogues with the next federal government to normalize the situation in the disputed Kirkuk governorate.

The official of the third branch of Kurdistan Democratic Party, Muhammad Khurshid said in a press conference held after the meeting, that seven Kurdish parties decided to form a concerned committee with Kirkuk, and prepared a memorandum to be delivered to the other three parties and presidencies in the region, adding that this memo is specific to the situation in Kirkuk and how to normalize it in addition to stop the Arabization campaign against the Kurds and the issue of the security, administrative, and political file.

The Kurdish parties are unanimous that the issue of Kirkuk is a major national issue and should be included with the rest of the Kurdish issues in one package, stressing the need to approach the next federal government with the issue of Kirkuk and that the situations in it be dealt with according to Article 140 of the permanent constitution of Iraq.