2020-03-10 09:03:36

Shafaq News / The Health Directorate of Sulaymaniyah Province in Kurdistan Region, announced that a Chinese "specialized" medical team will soon arrive to face Corona virus.

"Sulaimaniyah is awaiting the arrival of a medical corps specialized in   Corona virus from China to help the region in facing the virus," Sulaimaniyah health spokesman Yad Naqshbandi told Shafaq News.

"Specialized Chinese doctors arrived in Iraq a few days ago, and they will stay in Sulaymaniyah province to help them in how to control Corona virus," he said, noting that "the Chinese medical delegation brought medical aid and supplies with them to contain the spread of the virus."

The Iraqi Minister of Transport, Abdullah Laibi announced on Saturday (7th of March) the arrival of medical materials and equipment sent by the government of the People's Republic of China to control Corona virus, accompanied by a specialized medical team for training in the prevention of this virus.

The delegation made a visit a few days ago to Erbil, the capital of   Kurdistan Region with medical aid related to Corona virus.

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Ministry of Health announced yesterday,   that the number of corona virus infections in the country reached 67 confirmed cases, noting that there are 7 deaths and 9 cases of complete recovery, while Kurdistan Region Health Ministry confirmed that the number of infections in the region reached 15 cases and one death.