2020-03-23 07:28:07

Shafaq News / Chamchamal district, affiliated to Sulaymaniyah Governorate in Kurdistan Region, has started to close the surrounding roads and the main roads in the district, after the first case of Corona virus was recorded.

The measures come after the director of Sulaimaniyah Health Department called on the people of Darbandikhan and Chamchamal regions to commit more than the people of all regions to stay in their homes.

The Director of Sulaimaniyah Health Department, Sabah Hawrami said that the weather conditions that witness the formation of fog contribute to speeding the spread of Corona virus, calling on the people of Darbandikhan and the area to ​​commit more than the people of all regions to stay in their homes.

The decision comes at a time when the Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Region called for the necessity of imposing a quarantine on an entire city in Sulaymaniyah Governorate to contain the risk of an outbreak of Corona virus.

This came in an appeal to the provincial health minister, Saman Barzanji for residents of Darbandikhan city in Sulaymaniyah governorate.

Barzanji called, according to a statement received by Shafaq News, the residents of Darbandikhan to stay home and not go out so that they do not expose themselves to the risks of contracting Corona virus.

Al-Barzanji stressed that the entire city must be quarantined because it has turned into a dangerous outbreak area.

Kurdistan Region has recorded 10 new corona virus on Sunday, bringing the total number of infections to 64, including one death in Sulaymaniyah governorate, while 13 patients recovered from the virus.