2020-07-08 10:47:45

Shafaq News / A high-level delegation from the Iraqi Ministry of Defense is sought to visit Kurdistan Region to agree on a joint mechanism for redeploying the Peshmerga forces in the disputed areas between Erbil and Baghdad.

A source in the Peshmerga Ministry told Shafaq News agency, "We are expecting the delegation's visit, perhaps tomorrow or early next week", explaining that the purpose of the visit is to reach an agreement over the mechanism of redeployment of the Peshmerga forces in the disputed areas.

The source indicated that the Peshmerga Ministry had reached a three-point agreement with the Ministry of Defense regarding redeployment in those areas, adding that it will be according to the deployment schedule set before 2014.

It is noteworthy that the Peshmerga and Asayish security forces withdrew from the disputed areas after a military campaign launched by the Iraqi forces supported by Al-Hash Al-Shaabi in mid-October of 2017, under the pretext of the independence referendum held by Kurdistan Region on September 25 of the same year.