2020-07-20 14:21:53

Shafaq News / The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan decided, on Monday, to suspend its attendance at the regional parliament sessions, including Parliament speaker Rewaz Fayaq, the party's member.
A source from the Union told Shafaq News agency that the party's council will not go back on its decision until holding a meeting with the Kurdistan Democratic Party.
He added that the union is also negotiating to suspend its work in the region's government.
This decision was issued after a meeting of the new leadership of the party, which did not obtain the support of all members and described as "bad decision" from them.
The leadership council of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) voted for Bafel Talabani and Lahore Sheikh Genki for the joint chairmanship of the party, in the first step of its kind for the party.