2019-10-21 18:31:41

Shafaq News/ A number of places have been set up in the province to accommodate a number of refugees in western Kurdistan "Rojawa" as a first stage, said the official in Erbil province administration on Monday, likely to open a refugee camp if the number of refugees arriving to the province increased.

The official of the Crisis Center in Erbil province office, Vian Rashid told local Kurdish media that after the events and complications that took place   west of Kurdistan (referring to the predominantly Kurdish areas in northeastern Syria) and on the instructions of Prime Minister ,Masrour Barzani, Erbil has intensified its readiness to receive refugees from west of Kurdistan and provide all assistance to them.

She pointed out that at the present time; no refugees from west of Kurdistan have arrived in Erbil because they were all settled in Dohuk.

Concerning the possibility of building a new camp, she pointed out that in order to build a camp there is a problem of lack of land. However, if the refugees' arriving the province increased, they will cooperate with the aid organizations to start building a new camp.