2020-03-30 13:56:40

Shafaq News / The authorities in Kurdistan Region announced on Monday, that a housing complex in Al-Amadiya District of Dohuk Governorate is free of Corona virus.

"The quarantine has been completely imposed on the district and tests have been made for 31 people who have been in contact with the infected  person who was diagnosed with his infection," the director of health of the Amadiya district, Shaker Abdul Aziz said, adding that "the result appeared recording no infected cases."

Abdel Aziz added, "A number of other tests were conducted for citizens today and we are awaiting the results of the tests," noting that "medical teams are roaming inside the district and spraying sterilized materials in the alleys and roads, as well as a security cordon was placed on the outskirts of   Qadesh housing complex in the district."

Soran District Department in Erbil governorate of Kurdistan Region announced earlier the imposition of a quarantine on thousands of residents in Khulifan district, after one of its residents was diagnosed with Corona virus upon his return from Britain, followed by 5 of his relatives receiving the infection.