2020-06-24 13:01:59

Shafaq News / A source in Al-Sulaymaniyah Health Department in Kurdistan Region, announced, on Wednesday, that the governorate stopped performing Covid-19 tests, after running out of test kits, warning that Sulaymaniyah would be an infected city.

The source, who preferred to remain anonymous, told Shafaq News agency that, "after running out of Covid-19 kits, the tests will be stopped".

The source warned that, "If the situation remains like this, Al-Sulaymaniyah will be infested", pointing to, "the inability of the Health Department to conduct random test".

The source continued, "The virus spread is very fast, cases are increasing and the sources are unknown".

Kurdistan region is witnessing an unprecedented caseload surge in the past two days, as it registered 299 new cases.