2020-02-16 12:23:04

Shafaq News / The Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani agreed with Iranian Foreign Minister , Mohammad Javad Zarif on Sunday to calm down and reduce tension in the region and establish relations based on good-neighborliness.

This came during a meeting between the two sides on the sidelines of the works of the third and last day of the Munich conference, hosted by Germany, with the participation of the world's top decision makers.

A statement issued by Kurdistan Regional Government reported to Shafaq News, said that " Barzani and Zarif reviewed the latest developments on the Iraqi scene and the region in general, and the importance of reducing tensions.

It was also agreed that "the importance of establishing good relations based on the principle of good neighborliness and mutual respect," according to the statement.

The statement noted that "the meeting also addressed the challenges facing security in the region."

The Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government continues to hold his final meetings with senior officials in the world during Munich Conference, which was launched for the period from 14-16 of current month.

Relations between the United States of America and Iran were strained in an unprecedented way last month, following Washington assassination of commander of the Quds Force Qassem Soleimani, and deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis near Baghdad airport on January 3.

Five days later, Iran responded by launching ballistic missiles at two military bases in Anbar and Erbil, which raised fears of an open war between Tehran and Washington on Iraqi soil.