2019-09-30 10:57:17

Shafaq News/ Prime Minister of Kurdistan, Masrour Barzani said on Monday that his government is giving great importance to diversifying economic resources and not to relay on oil to secure the region's financial revenues.

Barzani said in a speech during the opening ceremony of Erbil International Trade Fair, the 13th edition, that "the government work program has paid great attention in the development of economy in Kurdistan region in order not to rely on a single economic source to secure financial revenues" .

He added that his government will not fail to provide what it can do to support and facilitate the work of traders, investors, and owners of capital in Kurdistan region.

Barzani added "We will work to activate the laws and decisions that facilitate the work of traders and investors in Kurdistan region," noting that his government is working to provide the necessary facilities to register companies willing to work in the region.