2020-06-02 13:44:10

Shafaq News / The President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani received on Tuesday, James Thornton, the British Consul General in Erbil.

During the meeting, they discussed the latest developments, the outbreak of Corona virus and the procedures to curb it in Kurdistan Region and Iraq, its repercussions and effects, which are multifaceted, especially on the economic situation.

Barzani also confirmed that the country’s conditions needs a solution to the problems between Kurdistan Region and the federal government, and he expressed his hope to reach a solution with the government of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi based on the constitution.

ISIS terrorists regaining their strength and attacks was another axis of the meeting, during which the necessity of a mechanism for cooperation and coordination between Kurdistan Region and the federal government was established in order to address this serious danger.

For his part, the British Consul General in Erbil expressed the UK's desire to maintain and strengthen its relations with Iraq and Kurdistan Region, and hope that British companies can obtain opportunities to work and invest in Kurdistan Region and that they work and participate in the fields of infrastructure and other fields.

In another aspect of the meeting, the Iraqi government’s work program was discussed, and the two sides emphasized supporting Prime Minister Al-Kadhimi. The two sides also discussed the internal conditions of Kurdistan Region, the continuation of the reform process, and other issues of common concern.