2020-03-12 12:55:18

Shafaq News / The President of Kurdistan Region Nechirvan Barzani met on Thursday in Erbil, Mr. William Robuck, U.S. Deputy Special Envoy to the International Alliance and Senior Adviser to the U.S. Special Envoy to Syria.

A statement issued by the Presidency of the region stated that the two sides discussed "the latest developments on the Iraqi scene and last night's attack on the international coalition forces in al-Taji camp in Baghdad, the latest political developments in Iraq and the endeavors to choose a new candidate to head the Iraqi federal government, Erbil - Baghdad relations, and the developments of the spread of Corona virus in Iraq and Kurdistan Region, preparations and steps taken to combat it and limit its spread.

The statement added that risks of ISIS's re-emergence and the importance of the continued support of the international coalition to Iraq and Kurdistan Region in its confrontation, the Syrian issue and military developments in the Syrian arena, the situation of the Kurds in Syria and the efforts of rapprochement between the Syrian Kurdish parties, were discussed, and the two sides confirmed support for these efforts.

Both the Presidency and the Regional Government condemned earlier in the day the attack on the Taji camp, which is hosting the international coalition forces.

The international coalition against ISIS, led by the United States of America, announced that at least three members of its forces were killed, while 12 others were wounded by the missile strikes that targeted Taji camp north of Baghdad.

On Wednesday, the Security Media Cell in Iraq announced the fall of ten Katyusha rockets inside Taji camp, north of Baghdad, which includes American forces. This is the 22nd  attack since the end of October against American interests in Iraq. The coalition did not specify the nationalities of the wounded.

The U.S. Central Command announced that 18 Katyusha rockets targeted the military base housing the international coalition forces.