2020-07-23 20:19:05

According to News / President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, discussed with the Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto, today, Thursday, the relations between the two countries.

A statement issued by the Kurdistan Region Presidency reported to Shafaq News agency announced, that Barzani discussed today, with the Finnish Minister many issues, including the Erbil - Baghdad disagreements, the participation of Iraqi components in the political process, the latest developments in the war against terrorism, the role of the international coalition, the importance of continued support for Iraq and the region, the Covid-19 pandemic and the region's relations with Neighboring countries and other issues

The statement pointed out that Barzani expressed his thanks to Finland, which, in the framework of the international coalition against ISIS, provided assistance to the Kurdistan Region, especially in the aspect of training and qualifying the Peshmerga forces and humanitarian assistance.

He also expressed the desire of developing relations with Finland by providing investment in the region.

 The statement also indicated that the Finnish Minister appreciated  the Kurdistan Region’s role in combating ISIS and countering terrorism and receiving a large number of displaced people and refugees.