2020-03-03 11:59:49

Shafaq News / The President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani stressed on Tuesday the importance of enhancing coexistence among all components of Kurdistan Region and Iraq, and expressed Kurdistan Region's readiness for any form of cooperation with the United Nations to investigate ISIS crimes, in particular the crimes practiced against Yezidis and Christians.

This came during Barzani’s meeting held this morning with the United Nations delegation for the investigation of ISIS crimes, headed by Adma Dieng, adviser to the Secretary-General of the United Nations to stop the genocide, the need to pay more attention to the rights of the components in the constitution of Kurdistan Region.

For his part, the delegation provided a summary of the results of his visit to Kurdistan Region and Iraq, field visits to Sinjar and the affected areas that were under ISIS control and their meetings with ISIS victims and their families, gathering information and documents on those crimes, and prosecuting the terrorists.

The delegation also highly valued the efforts and role of Kurdistan Region in hosting the displaced, providing them with basic services, and facilitating the work of international teams investigating ISIS crimes.

During the meeting attended by Karim Khan, the Special Adviser and head of the international team for the investigation of ISIS crimes in Iraq, Qabad Talabani, Deputy Prime Minister, and Safen Dziyeh, the official of foreign relations, and a number of officials in Kurdistan Region, the two sides stressed the need to share all components in the authority and the issuance of the crime law in Iraq, which would facilitate the work of international teams, ensure peaceful coexistence, reconciliation and restore confidence and strengthen ties among all components.


The two sides also stressed the importance of benefiting from the experiences of countries in dealing with these issues, as well as attention to issues related to coexistence and tolerance in the education field in Iraq.

On the same level, the Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, received today the same delegation

A statement issued by Kurdistan Regional Government today stated that the meeting focused on international efforts to prevent genocide crimes, especially ISIS crimes, and ways of joint coordination between Kurdistan Regional Government and the United Nations to document ISIS crimes with a view to holding perpetrators accountable in an international court to obtain their legal penalty and guarantee the rights of victims of those crimes.

The United Nations delegation praised the efforts of Kurdistan Regional Government to protect the diverse religious components and their rights, and to promote a culture of religious and peaceful coexistence in Kurdistan Region, according to the statement.