2020-06-07 17:24:22

Shafaq News / The Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani, commemorated today, Sunday, the vote of the political parties in Kurdistan region to hold a peaceful referendum for the independence of Kurdistan; stressing that it is a valuable achievement for all citizens of Kurdistan that the parties approved it will not regret.

The open letter of the President of Kurdistan Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani ensured that, "Today is a momentous day in the political life of the Kurdish nation," adding that, "on the seventh of June of 2017, all political parties approved unanimously the referendum in order to make the voice of Kurdistan's people heard and peacefully express their desire to the world."

Barzani added, "This decision was a valuable achievement for all citizens of Kurdistan, and a pride for all the parties that approved it. A decision they will not regret".

Barzani also expressed his appreciation for, "the role and efforts of all the militants, liberators and patriots of Kurdistan", sending thousands of greetings to the pure souls of the martyrs of Kurdistan and all the martyrs of the path of freedom.

Barzani also expressed his appreciation for "the role and efforts of all the militants, liberators, and patriots of Kurdistan", sending thousands of greetings to the pure souls of the martyrs of Kurdistan and all the martyrs of the path of freedom.