2020-07-08 22:45:24

Shafaq News / The President of Kurdistan, Nechirvan Barzani, confirmed on Wednesday that the region is ready "to accept any solution based on the constitution to solve the problems with the federal government.

Barzani's speech came as he received the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Iraq, Jenin Hennes Blackshart, in Erbil.

A statement issued by the Kurdistan Region Presidency, received by Shafaq News agency, said, "The two parties discussed the relations between Erbil and Baghdad to resolve the differences between them".

The statement quoted Blackshart as stressing, "The support of the United Nations to the continuation of the talks to find a solution".

The statement noted that in another section of the meeting, Barzani and Blackshart talked about the advances related to Covid-19 highlighting its consequences and the procedures taken to counter it".

In the same context, it is expected that the Kurdistan Government's delegation will visit Baghdad next week to resume discussions on the outstanding issues.

It is noteworthy that the previous Iraqi government headed by Adel Abdul-Mahdi had cut the salaries of the region's employees accusing it of not committing to an agreement to deliver 250 thousand barrels of oil per day to the company "SOMO" owned by Baghdad, which was denied by Erbil.

Since the decision to cut the salaries of the region's employees, the two sides have held three rounds of discussions in the capital, Baghdad, to resolve the disagreements.