2020-04-14 10:19:24

Shafaq News / The Kurdish leader ,Masoud Barzani  issued a statement on Tuesday on the 32nd  anniversary of Anfal crime.

He said, "On the 32nd  anniversary of the start of Anfal campaigns against the people of our people, I extend my greetings to the pure souls of Anfal martyrs and all the martyrs of Kurdistan, as well as my deepest condolences to the families of Anfal martyrs.

"Despite the many attempts that were made in previous years to define the notorious Anfal crime as a genocide crime at the international level to compensate the families of Anfal martyrs, and to find the pure remains of all Anfal martyrs, unfortunately the results did not reach the required level until now".

"Therefore we stress once again the need to continue efforts to define Anfal crime as a genocide, and for the Iraqi state to bear the responsibility to compensate the families of Anfal martyrs and for Kurdistan Regional Government to provide the best services to the families of Anfal martyrs and return Anfal martyrs remains to the homeland. "