2019-11-26 13:48:22

Shafaq News/ The President of Kurdistan Region,Nechirvan Barzani said on Tuesday that there is no point in dismissing Prime Minister ,Adel Abdul Mahdi, while renewing the region's support for any amendment to the Constitution to improve the living conditions of the people, stressed that the federal government did not send 17% of the budget to the region in the past years.

Barzani said in a press conference held in Sulaimaniyah, that Kurdistan region supports any step in the interest of Iraq, and the issue is not about changing the person of the Prime Minister, "adding that" Abdul Mahdi took office a year ago and he cannot solve those accumulated problems for years alone, There must be an agreement among the Iraqi parties to reach a comprehensive solution to get out of the current situation. "

He noted that the region supports any amendment to the Constitution aimed at improving the reality of living for Iraqis, stressing that Kurdistan is ready to discuss any amendment related to them.

About the region's share of the federal budget for 2020, Barzani said that "Baghdad has never delivered Kurdistan 17% at best the share of the region was 11%," expressing his hope to reach an agreement on the region's share of the budget.