2020-06-15 16:54:33

Shafaq News / The President of Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, announced on Monday that he is ready to visit Baghdad whenever the federal government expresses its willingness to reconcile the outstanding disagreement between them.

A statement of Kurdistan Regional Government, received Shafaq News agency, said that, "The head of Kurdistan Regional Government, Masroor Barzani, hosted today, Monday, the British Ambassador to Iraq Stephen Hickey. The meeting, also attended by the British Consul in Erbil, James Thornton, touched upon the ways to enhance the relationships between Kurdistan and the United Kingdom, and the mechanism of resolving the outstanding problems between Erbil and Baghdad".

The President of Kurdistan Regional Government highlighted the relations with the federal government, and said, "We support Mustafa Al-Kadhimi's government to resolve all outstanding problems, under the constitution".

Barzani stressed, "I am ready to visit Baghdad whenever the brothers in the federal government show their willingness to solve the contentious issues between us".

For his part, the British ambassador to Iraq expressed, "UK's readiness to assist Kurdistan's Regional Government and the federal government to reconcile, in order to resolve the outstanding problems based on the constitution".

Hickey said, "Both Iraq and Kurdistan Region are friends and allies of the United Kingdom; and we want to help them set their differences, especially at this difficult time".